
Countdown has started

Less than 24 hours and it’s off, finally, after all the anticipation, good-bye’s and tons of arrangements that were made. The final score is now: 7 dresses/jumpsuits, 7 bottoms, 10 tops, 3 pairs of shoes (including the ugly as hell hiking shoes), 3 bikini’s and a ridiculous amount of cute new fluorescent (looks oh so good on your tanned skin) underwear. All smashed into 2 backpacks. Did I mention my 2 beauty cases? Full of essentials of course…

Last couple of days were spent in the lovely south of Holland, with family and cats. Which had to suffer through so much canoodling, I’m sure they now see me as a hazard to their health. Calculating their chances, they either make a run for it or switch to a zen like ‘out of body’-mode while appearing drooling-ly happy about all the smooches.

How happy I am with the weather as well! It was a good test case to eliminate some really stupid wardrobe choices, I also worked on my pre-tan and started to up my alcohol level so I will endure the 12 weeks of bucket lurching without too much embarrassment.

I leave you with some hipstamatic images to illustrate the above.

15.25 is take-off time… 

Ugly little backpack | Flowers in my mom's garden | Cheeky little Bonnie | Humongous chunk of love Clyde a.k.a. Dikkie a.k.a. Don D. | The lovely miss Nuura | Ma new shoezzz | All the clothes I will be bringing... really: this is it...

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