
Playing with fire

After almost being drowned on land in Cambodia -with Angkor as a pleasant exception- we longed for some sunny beach time. We decided that it would be a grand idea to travel from Siem Reap all the way to Koh Tao. The result -I can tell you now smiling- firmly disagreed, laughed at us, called us stupid and was downright horrid. 33 hours in crappy busses; two nights spent in agony. The second night: really not my idea! My revenge was buying magazines for a whopping 40 euros (we are on a budget of 35 euros each, every day, to give you an idea of the severity of this punishment).
Finally at Koh Toa I decided it was about time for us both to get a serious sun tan going.

Every time I smile now, or try to give V a kiss the skin on my upper lip cracks and burns. I have heat flashes engulfing my face every now and then and the after sun bottle I applied almost fully to my body was sucked in immediately. Now all I need to do is stay hydrated and I’ll return with a killer tan. V on the other hand disagrees slightly with my enthusiasm over second degree burns. All I could see after his screams of disapproval summoned me to the bathroom was a very white bum…
He retaliated by getting a drastic haircut. All his long blonde tresses where gone. Chopped off by a Lady Boy, while I sat there, thinking about a suitable revenge.

There... I even slept on a wooden bench outside for some hours to get to the Island. If that doesn't justify my revenge than I don't know what does...

But once there, it was actually quite brilliant.

Koh Tao seen from a hill top.

Magnificent sunsets

And relaxed seaside dining.

The big fireball is one of those boys playing with fire.

Visiting Koh Tao means visiting the fish there too. We got along pretty swell.

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